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但是到了今天,事情已经不一样了。几乎所有的操作系统都有深度搜索和详细搜索功能,就像是MAC OS X的Spotlight和windows7的搜索栏一样,这些东西可以轻轻松松的找出深深地藏在系统文件夹中的文件。它们能在文件定位的基础上将文件分类,所以你深藏于某处的视频和你放在“我的视频”文件夹中的视频一样,很容易就能被找到。只有在你能隐藏材料,并且不要让你那怪异而且缺少趣味,并且看了看之后觉得更加怪异的视频收藏被你刚刚失去亲人的家人发现,(这里对应前文的数字遗产)这种方式就能提供一点点微不足道的保护。

在“嘘”这个不断变化的古老的章节中,有一种很有效的办法来隐藏文件,那就是值得永远信任的文件改名大法。下面我们来介绍一下这种法:首先,保存你的文件,把它的文件名更改为某个看上去无害的名字,最后把文件扩展名改成像谜一样的玩意,比如说把LadiesEatingFriedPigsFeetInLingerie.avi这个名字改为lefpfil.dat。说实在,这样做对于像是.avi=dat .mpeg=.dll, .mp4=.lib or .jpg=doxc这种密码表的制作有很大的推进作用。




Mac OS X下的隐藏方法:在你的best option这儿建立一个密码保护,这后你要做的更加简单,合并你的文件夹,之后将你的文件放置在不能被建立搜索目录的文件夹中。最后将一个现存的文件夹打包成一个加密的.DMG文件(这是一种镜像文件,你可以通过双击打开它)。就像这样:

·打开Disk Utility(在Spotlight里面搜索Disk Utility)



·选择加密(128bit AES加密)
















How to hide your digital ‘collection’

Make sure risqué files on your computer stay hidden

All this talk about preserving digital legacies got me thinking: What about the bits we don't want to leave behind? Y'know, the risqué material? Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.

This seems like a complicated subject. It's not. There's some data that's private, both in terms of content as well as the very fact of its existence, and your viewing of it. Let's say you look at porn. (You do.) This fact — not just the porn itself — belongs to you. There's no need for it to be a discoverable part of your digital life, or, god forbid, your digital legacy. Here's how to make sure your private collections are in order, and out of sight.

Level one: Obfuscation

Who hasn't created a folder called Business only to fill it with an entirely differently kind of business? It's a hallowed tradition, enjoyed by nearly everyone who's used a computer in the last 20 years. And as ridiculous and inept as it sounds, it probably worked—then.

There was a time when hiding a folder deep within an operating system's file structure actually hid it. Family members and spouses never had a reason to explore C:/Windows/System32, much less the Nrop folder you cunningly stashed there. And unless anyone went out of their way to search for incriminating content, it just wouldn't come up.

Today, things are different. Both major OSes have deeply integrated and everpresent search features — Spotlight in OS X and Start menu search in Windows 7 — which bring the depths of your file system bubbling to the surface with alarming ease and frequency. They prioritize file types over file locations, so your buried videos are just about as discoverable as if they were stored your My Videos folder. As far as hiding your stuff, and keeping your bereaved family from discovering your bizarre-but-harmless-but-still-pretty-bizarre video collection, this offers only the slightest protection.

The section age-old variation on pornfuscation is the trusty file rename. Here's how it goes: Save your files, change their names to something innocuous, and switch their file extensions to something inscrutable. LadiesEatingFriedPigsFeetInLingerie.avi becomes lefpfil.dat. And it helps to sew together a little cipher, too. Something like: .avi=dat .mpeg=.dll, .mp4=.lib or .jpg=doxc.

While this will probably accomplish your goals with almost no initial effort, it's pretty unwieldy in the long term, and far from failsafe.

Level two: Encryption

The word encryption evokes spy films, shady government agencies and more than anything, nerds. But here's the thing: It's actually super easy. It's also nearly 100 percent effective, unless someone very serious is looking very seriously for something seriously incriminating on your computer, in which case I probably don't want to help you out anyway. So!

Mac OS X: Creating a password-protected archive is your best option here. It's dead simple, consolidates your files, and puts your stuff one extra layer of abstraction further away from search indices and the like. To make a passworded .DMG file (an image/archive file that you can open with a simple click) from an existing folder, just do this:

? Open Disk Utility (Spotlight search Disk Utility)

? File>New>Disk Image from Folder

? Select the folder, click Image

? Select encryption (128-bit AES will do)

? Choose a unique password

And that's it! Now you have a whateveryouwant.dmg file that can't be viewed, opened or edited by anyone but yourself. Your very own little lockable porn capsule! (Ugh.)


To create a password-protected archive in Windows Vista or 7, you'll want to download a third-party archive utility, like WinZip or WinRAR. And by like WinZip or WinRAR, I mean just download PeaZip. It's free, and better than the software you're used to. Then:

? Open PeaZip

? File>Create archive

? Select the files you want in the archive

? Click the Lock icon under the Output selector

? Select Encrypt also file names

? Select archive type PEA (the fact that you're using this program's proprietary format, as opposed to something like ZIP, means that it'll be even less identifiable as, well, what it is.)

And there you go.

Level three: Liquidation

Seriously, people, stop storing incriminating material on your computer. You're already getting this stuff from the internet, so just leave it on the internet. Stream videos online, and look at pictures without downloading them. It's easy.

Firefox, Chrome, Safari and even Internet Explorer have private browsing modes, which don't accumulate history, cookies, or local caches of any kind. Use them. Your digital self will thank you.

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